Business Name: Voicing Words Copywriting

How did you get started with what you’re doing now?
I was looking for a way to apply my writing skills and anthropology knowledge to everyday situations. Copywriting is the perfect fit, because I can reach people with my writing, and connect them to goods and services that they want. I love writing for a variety of different businesses and industries, and helping businesses convert using the power of words.
What is a typical day (for you/running your business)?
I am definitely not part of the 5am club, and usually walk over to La Suprema at about 8am. Mornings are my best writing hours, so I work on projects until lunch. Afternoons are usually for admin and connecting with new clients.
What are your top productivity hack?
Save the little tasks, like emails, for when your brain is already tired. When your brain is wide awake is always the best time to work on high-impact projects.
Favorite part of La Suprema?
The free snacks, and the feeling of community. It can be lonely working as a freelancer, but at La Suprema I'm able to connect with people if I want to. Being a part of the La Suprema community has helped me develop my professional identity.
Best hidden gem in Tucson?
I'm sure lots of people know this, but just in case... Seven Cups tea shop on 6th and Tucson is a real Tucson gem. Seven Cups imports the best high end Chinese teas into the US, and we're incredibly lucky to have them here in Tucson. The tea shop is a wonderful place to try new teas, and sit down in a relaxing atmosphere. It's one of my favorite places to write when I'm working on passion projects.
Coffee or Tea?
Tea all the way, all day, every day.
What inspires you?
The power of words to connect communities, inspire generations, and spur action.